21-8-2024 Wednesday.

Nafs for Empowerment Team concluded the activities of the RE: DEEM
project, Reach and Engage: Youth Decolonising Environmentalism in Euromed with a field and dialogue tour in the village of Mazar’a al-Nubani.
The event featured Dr. Ahmad al-Nubani, a specialist in the Palestinian environmental sector, who shared his personal experience with Palestinian ecological agriculture, methods and techniques in agricultural development, and the impact of settlement on the Palestinian environment.
The discussion covered topics such as self-sufficiency, social and cultural impacts on the environment, the intellectual roots of Palestinians in land and agriculture, and the evolution of civilization in contrast to neglect or destruction of the Palestinian environment. It also highlighted the value of Sumud for Palestinians on their land and environment, and the idea of continuity in youth efforts to enhance belonging and environmental development.
During the event, the team visited some agricultural experiments and significant archaeological sites in the village, which embody the concept of preserving Palestinian cultural heritage and the value of Palestinian Sumud in maintaining their land and culture.