Tuesday 23/3/2021
Start the training course about Alternative to Violence through Zoom for a three days training with the involvement of about 20 participants from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The training was facilitated by trainer Nasser A. Mattar (Director General of Nafs for Empowerment) and facilitated by Ms. Celina Salama from YWCA. The first training day included several activities with focus on Mandela Model to transfer energy into positive aspect, decrease anger, and combat abuse practices. Activities were adapted to be delivered through Zoom including both the theoretical and practical aspects. Participants were divided into couples and groups in order to ensure their involvement in the training and the practical activities. The first day was characterized of being so active and high level of involvement by participants. It is expected that trainees will be able to lead trainings in the same field in the future thanks to their involvement in the training course.